This is the third in a series about abundance. Recently, we talked about 5 steps to break through abundance blocks.
Sometimes when we have abundance blocks, it’s because of our belief systems or even the words we use to talk about our finances and the richness in our life that goes beyond just money.
But other times it may be that we’re stuck because we’re not living or working in the right realm for our self. Because we’re not honoring our gifts.
Danielle LaPorte so wisely wrote,
Be careful what you’re good at, because you can end up doing it for years.
Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean that’s where your truest gifts lie. And if you’re good at it, it could be the rut you create for yourself. Being good at something often propels you toward more of that something in your life.
Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn’t be better to be really bad at a lot of things, because it might help your gifts to shine. Quick failure, then move on. But we’re all on our own individual paths, so perhaps it takes some of us longer than others to discover our gifts.
I also think that not being aligned with your gifts – and feeling the joy and love of those gifts – leads to a sense of ennui or discontentedness, even if you are not lacking financially. That leads back to answering the question of what does abundance mean, and in many cases it’s not about financial abundance, but about the abundance of joy you gain from not only honoring your gifts, but indulging in your talents. Playing with the beauty that life has uniquely given to you.
So, begin to honor the talents that you’ve been gifted with, and see if that doesn’t help to unblock some of the abundance barriers in your life.
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