Let it go. So easy to say. And so terribly cliche. Yet so very hard to do. Letting go is really about forgiveness. While it may never be easy to forgive someone who has wronged you, I’m going to suggest that when you have other needs met in your life, it’s a little easier. When […]
I’m not afraid anymore
Tonight as I was sitting around, mind wandering, I realized something amazing. I’m not afraid anymore. Let me say that again. I’m not afraid anymore. I’m not afraid of being hurt. I’m not afraid of being vulnerable. I’m not afraid of relationships not working out. I’m not afraid of putting myself out there in the […]
Be tender
Recently I had a conversation with someone close to me whom I care about a lot. The conversation included some of their frustrations about what they consider to be too much talk and not enough action on my part about a particular subject. I found their delivery to be harsh and I shared that feedback, […]
Darkness vs light
Lately I’ve been going through something. To be honest, I’m not even sure of how to articulate what that something is. The closest I can come to describing it is a struggle between darkness and light. Not in the sense of good vs evil. More along the lines of light = goodness, joy, and a […]
Slow and steady
Slow and steady wins the race. Or so the saying goes. Actually, slow and steady sucks. There. I said it. Slow and steady sucks ass. Especially when you want what you want. Or when you’re going through something. And by going through something, I mean going through something negative. Let’s just get it over with […]
Jump without a net
The good things in life – the really good stuff – doesn’t always come easily. Often it’s a bit dangerous. It’s as if there’s a bit of risk attached. Like you’re jumping without a net. Taking a leap of faith. Maybe you screwed up and are feeling sheepish about making things right again. Maybe you […]