Haters gonna hate. So the saying goes. There are some people who really can’t help themselves. Their default setting is negativity. And it’s in their nature to share their default setting with just about anyone who will listen. Often times the naysayers will hit a nerve. Say something that either hits too close to home […]
Selfie Nation
Denise and I recently took a selfie with our friends at the Oscars… Now that just about everyone and their dog has a cell phone with a camera, it seems that we’ve become a nation of people who take pics of themselves – selfies – hell, even the President has taken a selfie or two. […]
Don’t forget it
Seriously. Don’t forget it.
Build the life you love
Recently there’s been a picture forming in the back of my mind. It’s what I want my life to look like. And strangely enough (or perhaps not so surprisingly) it doesn’t look anything like the life I have today. As my kids get older and I get closer to being on my own, I begin […]
Do something for you
When you’re feeling sad, lonely, or disappointed, instead of dwelling on it and letting yourself travel in a downward spiral, do something for you. Something that will make you feel healthier or pampered or just generally more relaxed. Perhaps some stretches or a little yoga. Maybe meditation. Or try a pedicure. Hell, even flossing your […]
Do something different
This year for Valentines’s Day, do something different. Love your unique self. Maybe you don’t have that “someone special” in your life. Don’t feel badly about that. Just shift your perspective. Because, in fact, you do have someone special in your life…you! Instead of falling all over yourself to manage a holiday that has clearly […]