This evening I made a startling realization. Seems I let a genie out of the bottle. I’ve been holding on to something that’s been holding me back. It’s a weirdly counter intuitive concept. Something I’ve been struggling with and have been afraid to let go of… What if I’m never happy? What if I’m one […]
From darkness comes light
Occasionally we may all fall into a bit of a slump. It’s perfectly human. Maybe things didn’t turn out the way you’d planned or perhaps you’re just having a hard time getting beyond something. All normal. Best thing to do when you’ve hit a bit of a low is accept where you are. Feel the […]
Reckless abandon
I have two words for you and two words only. (OK, not really only two words. Figuratively speaking. Because when do I ever have that little to say?) Reckless abandon. Time to live your life with it. Life is short and you never know when your number is up, so live it up. Now. […]
Dance it out!
This evening I was texting a dear and wonderful friend with a laundry list of complaints about the things that had gone wrong in my day. Truly the only way to describe it with any degree of honesty and accuracy would be to ‘fess up and say that I was feeling sorry for myself. Despite […]
Have the conversation
Ever wonder where Denise and I come up with all of this stuff we write about? Trust me, it’s not just lip service. These are the conversations with have with ourselves in our own heads and with one another when we need a pep talk. Perhaps it’s time for you to starting having these kind […]
There is no answer
There are so many times when I run my mind like a hamster on a wheel trying to find the answer to a particular dilemma. I will think and think and think, running a situation through so many scenarios in my head, trying to imagine an outcome. Or perhaps I should say trying to force […]