That’s not the way it was supposed to happen. Or at least that’s what we think when everything goes to hell. Down the crapper. Kaput. But it was all going so well. Or was it? When we think that something is real – real love, real emotions, real commitment, real promises, real money, real potential […]
Fill your life
I’ve noticed that the more I fill my life with good things, the less time I spend complaining. It’s an easy formula. More goodness = Less time for complaining However, it is the holiday season and many of us are short on cash. But goodness doesn’t have to cost anything. It’s a couple of moments shared […]
Make no apologies
All too often we make apologies for who we are. Well, I’m here to tell you this needs to stop. We need to stop making apologies for ourselves. For just being who we are as individual human beings. Eff that! We are each unique individuals who may live life a little or a lot differently […]
Zip your lip
Did you ever know someone who left a lot of awkward openings in conversation? Empty spaces that you felt compelled to fill in with nervous chatter? Then worse yet, you felt like you overshared or were somehow left at a disavantage? Yeah. Been there, done that, won the nervous talker award. Sometimes it’s better to […]
Identify your demons
Well, folks, it’s December. How do I know? Is it because I’m looking at the calendar? No. It’s that no matter how many vitamin D capsules I shove down my gullet, I still feel bland, like I have plastic bubble wrap twisted tightly around my head. Sing it with me (to the tune of “It’s […]
Don’t be a train wreck
I’ve noticed that sometimes people pride themselves on being a mess. Not exactly overtly, but it’s as if they identify more with their shortcomings than with strength and growth. And they enjoy the negative attention that they gain from their life being a train wreck. There’s no point in doing that. It just reinforces the […]