There are so many experts out there on just about any topic you can imagine. Making it easy to get much needed advice on whatever topic your brain can conceive of. Based on these various experts and approaches, you can truly come up with a plan for just about any endeavor you seek to master. That […]
Do Not Settle
This weekend I went out and heard a local 80s cover band. It was great fun, especially since the 80s were my decade and that’s about the only way I know how to dance. The band was The Reaganomics and they were awesome! I always find the people watching very interesting. I consider myself quite […]
Treading Water
There are times in life when the best you can do is tread water. You may be wondering how treading water is being awesome. Well, sometimes you go through a series of events that weigh you down. Enough that you might falter. But instead you tread water. Doing just enough to get by. To get […]
The Happiness Myth
There is a happiness myth that I’ve noticed, both in my own life and in the lives of others. The myth goes something like this. I should be happy because [complete sentence with your special reason]. Such as, I should be happy because I’m older or because I’ve suffered enough already or because I’ve paid […]
Kicking It
This week was craptastic. No one died or anything, but I experienced a series of events that threw me off balance and dredged up some old hurts. Early in the week I went on my first date in 25 years, and before I could even take three sips of my coffee, I was promptly, and […]
When the Universe Laughs…
When the universe laughs, we should all laugh with it! This weekend the universe had some fun with me. Saturday night I had to run to the store. But I was hungry, so I decided to quickly drive through Wendy’s and pick up a burger. To be honest, I was in a bit of a […]