Every now and then, the heavens open up and something just clicks for us. We gain an understanding of something that’s been just outside of our reach. We can see it and almost touch it, but haven’t quite been able to welcome it into our heart and soul.
This week my world shifted. Suddenly I began to truly understand the importance of being a standalone, independent person. Someone who can support themselves emotionally and financially. Someone who doesn’t require another person to feel whole or complete.
That’s not to say that I don’t want other people in my life, because I do. In fact, I want people in my life more now than ever before, because I want to expand my world.
It’s more that I realized I’m OK with them or without them. I can not only survive on my own, but thrive.
What brought on this shift of consciousness? Nothing in particular. It’s probably been a metamorphosis that’s been happening over a period of months or years.
But let me tell you this. It feels great. Awesome. Fantastic. Amazing and empowering. Joyful. To know that unlike a child, as an adult, I can survive on my own and support my own needs.
In turn, what that also means is that anyone whom I choose to invite into my life and my world is there because I want them there, not because I need them there. Because they add to my world, not subtract. Because they fulfill me, not fulfill an unmet need.
How independent are you? Are you ready to shed the chains of unhealthy needs and wants and experience relationships in your life that are additive?
It’s the begining of an expansive and liberating journey. Won’t you walk that path with me?