Let’s talk for a moment about intuition. You know we all have it, right? According to Merriam Webster, it’s…
“…direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought or inference.”
At first I read “inference” as “interference,” and to be honest, I think I like that a little better. It’s that feeling you get when you don’t let rational thought interfere with the process. Very likely a remnant of an ancient wisdom, instincts, if you will, that existed in human beings at a time before an excess of rationality and logic took over. Long before feelings went out of vogue.
So many of us have been trained to listen to the thoughts and opinions of others before we consult our own deep reserve of wisdom. The thoughts of our parents, our friends, our spiritual leaders, our significant others, our society. And certainly it’s fine to take counsel with any or all of them. But I don’t think we should allow their input to have greater weight than our own precious knowledge that springs from a well deep within each and every one of us.
Because within each of us is a clarion call, telling us what is right for us. The voice of our soul. But often that voice has been drowned out by the louder voices of those around us.
So if you’re not used to hearing the voice of your own intuition, start by listening for a tiny little whisper, calling your name, telling you what is right for you. Sharing with you a beautiful alignment of what your deepest self desires.
Earlier today I was leafing through a journal and came across this that I’d written…
I will follow my intuition above all others and above all else, even when it doesn’t make sense, and even when it’s, well…counterintuitive.
That’s the thing…if you haven’t been listening to your intuition for a while, it’s not going to feel comfortable. But give it a chance.
And then there will be the times when your intuition is speaking so loudly but at that moment in time it seems to defy all logic. Listen. Especially in those moments, because something in you, some primal essence, is trying to send you a very important message.
Start listening. Then heed the call.
It could be life changing to live in alignment with what your own soul desires.
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