We all judge others. It’s part of the human condition.
Often judgment is healthy. We need to make judgment calls about those who might harm us or who might not be good for us.
But other times, we’re just being judgy. Just because.
Because we don’t like someone or because they make us uncomfortable in some way.
Today I realized that sometimes I judge people who are successful and hold themselves high. I perceive them to be arrogant and I judge them.
But I also realized that perhaps I’m projecting my discomfort with their success onto them and calling it arrogance. Perhaps I see that they stand straight with healthy pride over their accomplishments and I’m calling that arrogance. Yet when I’ve learned more about those whom I’ve judged, I’ve come to understand that they really aren’t arrogant, and a couple are, in fact, amazing human beings.
So enough with the judgment.
Who have you wrongly judged?