This week I’ve noticed people saying things like, “You know how I am,” or “That’s just how I am,” after they had just told me about something that made them feel discomfort.
Then when I tried to explain a way in which perhaps they could try not to let things make them feel this way, they fought me a bit, trying to convince me that this behavior was just a part of who they are.
Um no. This is not part of who you are. This is a limiting belief.
We can do two things with limiting beliefs. We can love them and nurture them and allow them to take over the goodness in our lives, eventually growing and sucking up more and more space in our lives. Or we can recognize them for what they are – old tapes that need to be dismissed. Then we can let them go.
Sometimes it’s as easy as just recognizing the limiting belief and agreeing with yourself to stop the behavior. Other times it may not be quite as simple and may even require the intervention of a professional. But either way, do you really want to keep holding on to it?
Don’t allow yourself to be limited.
Dorothy Popovich says
Limits??????????? “To infinity and beyond!” Buzz Lightyear