For the sometimes small and unbending minds of human beings, it is impossible to comprehend the very unending nature of the universe. It is simply more than we can wrap our heads around. Perhaps we can learn about bits and pieces and gain understanding of a small corner of the cosmos, but beyond that, it’s […]
Flaunt your strengths
No animals were hurt in the writing of this blog… We live in a society in which many people feel as if sharing what we’re good at is to be considered bragging and somehow inappropriate. Well, I’m calling bullshit on that, right here and now. Time to recognize what you’re good at and honor your […]
Put on your big girl panties
Despite our best efforts, things don’t always go our way. Life brings disappointments, some big, some small. Things we can’t change, no matter how hard we try. And when we experience one of life’s disappointments, it stings. Sometimes a lot. Perhaps even venturing into the realm of pain and agony. Which sucks. What to do? […]
Lightning doesn’t strike twice
In each of our lives there comes a time when we are shown a unique and perhaps wonderful opportunity. Something special coming just to us. Something amazing. Maybe it’s an awesome job opportunity or a lucky break finding a new place to live. Or maybe a new friend walks into our life, or perhaps a […]
Leave your fears behind
October has been a transformational month. A month in which we’ve encouraged you to do something every day that scares you, if only just a little. It’s been a month of learning and growth and expanding our horizons. I can tell you that I have taken the opportunity this month to do things that scare […]
On the other side of fear lies freedom
On the other side of fear lies freedom. Truth. We’re hoping that this month you’ve gotten a taste of that sense of freedom and are not only getting comfortable with expanding your world, but addicted to it! So let’s not forget about working through our fears after the 31 days of October is over. Let’s […]