In the month of October, we’re participating in the annual 31 days phenom created several years ago over at Nesting Place. It’s all about posting on one topic or theme for the entire month of October. We’re going to write all month about doing things that scare you. Not necessarily stupid things that scare you, […]
Figure it out for ourselves
Unfortunately, not everyone gets the support they need growing up. And not everyone makes choices that leads to getting that kind of love and support as adults either. Some people have just never really been treated like they’re special. Haven’t been put first. Haven’t been loved the way they should have been. Or lots of […]
Walk the proud land
Tonight something hit me like a ton of bricks. Not sure why it struck me so hard on this particular evening. Maybe because I’m tired from two days of traveling, which has worn me down a bit. Or maybe just because it’s a notion whose time has come. It came to me as I was sitting […]
Let’s stop being scared
This weekend I watched a video that suggested that being shy is just a nice way of saying that you’re afraid. Now we can get into a whole debate on the virtues of being an introvert or an extrovert, but that’s not the point. I think that occasionally all of us feel uncomfortable or perhaps […]
Let it grow organically
A while back, Denise and I were talking on the phone. I was boo hoo-ing to her about my boy problems and she was driving somewhere with her husband, Jovan. We were talking about relationships, and by talking, I mean I was lamenting and Denise was talking, and she said back to me what I’m […]
Authentic and Powerful
A while back my horoscope said this… You will discover that life is not about being nice, but rather about being authentic and powerful. I was kind of blown away by this statement. Because how many times do we choose being nice for the sake of so many others over doing what is right and […]