Every now and then, you have a moment of clarity, when the clouds part and the sun shines through and you realize what a beautiful and amazing existence this is, with all of its weirdness and connections and unexplainables and all of the things that you can feel and can’t explain. All of those otherworldly, […]
Kicking It
This week was craptastic. No one died or anything, but I experienced a series of events that threw me off balance and dredged up some old hurts. Early in the week I went on my first date in 25 years, and before I could even take three sips of my coffee, I was promptly, and […]
When the Universe Laughs…
When the universe laughs, we should all laugh with it! This weekend the universe had some fun with me. Saturday night I had to run to the store. But I was hungry, so I decided to quickly drive through Wendy’s and pick up a burger. To be honest, I was in a bit of a […]
The Best Valentine Ever
The best thing that can happen to you today on Valentine’s Day (and, in fact, on any other days of the year as well), is that you learn to love yourself. So many of us – myself included – look to others to make our lives what we want them to be, rather than resolving […]
Choose Your Side
Most of us have some sort of baggage. Chances are, if you’re an adult, you have baggage. If you’re a middle-aged or older adult, you probably have more baggage. Some may even have more than their fair share. Our small and large hurts in life come to define us in many ways. They inform our […]
The World is Your Effing Oyster
Today my ex-husband was telling me about this local internet radio show that he was a guest on, talking about food since he’s a chef. I went online to check it out and I was amazed, once again, by what people are doing on the internet, like putting on talk radio shows. It made me […]