If you have something that is not going well in your life, rather than just keep hacking away at it, why not shift your paradigm?
What does this really mean? “Shift your paradigm”?
It means change it up! Do something different. Get yourself out of your damn rut!
If what you’re doing isn’t working, your only option if you even remotely want it to work better is to make a change. You can’t sit around waiting for some magic to happen…you need to make it happen!
Turn your situation on its ear. Come at it from a different angle. Think analytically about how you’re approaching your situation and then think of different ways to handle it. Then try the new approach. Give it some time, and if that doesn’t work, try another way.
You may just be amazed at how your situations and life can improve if you stop hanging on to the way you’re doing things and change it up a bit.
So shift your paradigm…it may just change your life!