Many of us were raised with the mindset that we shouldn’t toot our own horns. That singing your praises should be left to others. Don’t be a braggart. In fact, in many of us, that has led us to believe that we shouldn’t look for our own strengths at all. We should leave that to […]
Time. Most of us think we have an unlimited supply. Putting off ’til tomorrow what we could have done today. But what if there is no tomorrow? Not to be a downer, since I’m usually an upper, but eventually there will come a day for each of us when we will run out of tomorrows. […]
It’s Fun!
This weekend my sister called me and asked for an impromptu favor…could I come help her friend hang curtain rods. Her friend is a single mom who just bought a new house. The call went something like this… My sister: Hey, do you want to see Michelle’s new house? (My sister knows I have a […]
Sharing the Love…
Sharing the love with Denise…what good is World Kindness Week if we don’t give props to the most obvious people…those who are in our lives all the time. Denise recently told me that she goes into her local coffee shop and says, “WOOT WOOT!” when she walks in. Yesterday I thought about it and laughed […]
Making a Difference
Whenever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference. ~Kevin Heath, CEO More4Kids So many people are in need. World Kindness Week is just a start. Sometimes it’s overwhelming how much need there is in the world. It’s sad, because each of us can only do […]
Some of you may be shy. Introverts. Embarrassed to put yourself out there. OK. That doesn’t mean you can’t still be awesome. It also doesn’t mean that you can’t tell other people that they’re awesome. But maybe you’ll blush. If you’re one of those, here’s Plan B. It’s World Kindness Week. Don’t let your introversion […]