If you want to become an even more spectacular person, check out Growing Into Awesome: A Guide to Nurturing Your Inner Awesomeness, a collection of short essays…
Let’s talk for a moment about intuition. You know we all have it, right? According to Merriam Webster, it’s… “…direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought or inference.” At first I read “inference” as “interference,” and to be honest, I think I like that a little better. It’s that feeling you get when you […]
growing into awesome
I am so excited to announce my free e-book, Growing Into Awesome: A Guide to Nurturing Your Inner Awesomeness! Quick, easy-to-read chapters will show you how to be your best self and leave negativity behind! Consider it my holiday gift to you! It’s my way of saying thank you to each of you for being […]
what makes you happy?
Last week I heard Terry Gross from Fresh Air interview Kerry Egan, a hospice chaplain about her new memoir, “On Living.” One of the things Egan said really struck me – that often times people who are dying will look back upon their lives and realize that they were happy and didn’t even realize it. That really […]
we’ve got a lot of work to do, people!
It never ceases to amaze me when people who seem to have it all – whether it’s smarts, looks, money, prestige, or some combination of those – turn out to be insecure and feel like they’re lacking. I recently overheard someone with 3 out of the 4 traits listed above comparing her appearance to another […]
but i don’t wanna!
Every now and again you may get into mood when you just don’t feel like dealing with anything or anyone. Don’t feel like being nice to people, don’t feel like saying hello, don’t feel like being your usual wonderful self, (don’t feel like writing a blog post), or maybe even all of the above. I […]