Are you one of those types of people who is always waiting for the other shoe to fall? Be honest. I’ll tell you truthfully that I am. I get scared when things are going too well. Even though I force myself to be a positive person and look on the bright side, I’m secretly always […]
Bloom where you are planted
We don’t always get to choose our perfect life. Sometimes our life choices have led us to a place that is different than where we might have imagined ourselves landing. And sometimes life just has other plans for us. While I am certainly a fan of dreaming big and making great plans for the future, […]
Erase your fears
We’re halfway through the month of October, living through 31 days of doing things that scare you. I don’t know about you, but I already feel like I’m a different person than I was before we started this endeavor. A better person. A stronger person. A person who is erasing my fears daily. If you’ve […]
Let’s stop being scared
This weekend I watched a video that suggested that being shy is just a nice way of saying that you’re afraid. Now we can get into a whole debate on the virtues of being an introvert or an extrovert, but that’s not the point. I think that occasionally all of us feel uncomfortable or perhaps […]
Let it grow organically
A while back, Denise and I were talking on the phone. I was boo hoo-ing to her about my boy problems and she was driving somewhere with her husband, Jovan. We were talking about relationships, and by talking, I mean I was lamenting and Denise was talking, and she said back to me what I’m […]
The Best Medicine
There is nothing quite like a good laugh. I love to laugh and have fun with my friends and family. In fact, I was that kid in elementary school who just kept laughing and laughing, even after the teacher would say, “OK, it wasn’t that funny.” Um yes, it was. And telling me it wasn’t […]