We all have stories we tell ourselves and others about ourselves or about our lives. Sometimes they’re true, sometimes they’re plagues with half-truths, and sometimes they’re just outright lies.
I don’t mean that people are necessarily lying about who they are or about the context of their lives. What I mean is that we may be telling ourselves a story that is self-limiting or will create a self-fulfilling prophesy of sorts. Creating negativity in our minds.
Need some examples to ponder?
I’m always broke.
I’m never going to be happy.
I’m always going to be alone.
I’m never going to get ahead.
Nobody ever cares about me.
Get where I’m going with this? Any of those sound familiar?
If we always say these types of negative things, over and over, even if we’re just “joking,” our minds begins to believe what they hear. And we begin to internalize the stories we’re telling ourselves and eventually we begin to believe. And when we believe it, we make it happen.
But what to do?
Change your story.
But how?
First, stop yourself from spouting the simple statements that are untrue and negative. Then begin to replace them with something better, something that you won’t mind if it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Here are some good responses to the negative quotes above…
I’m working on improving my finances and responsibility with money.
I’m growing a little happier each day.
Soon I will find that special someone.
I’m working hard to make something good out of my life.
I will find caring people who love me for who I am.
Are all of these things going to magically happen today, just because you said so? Most likely not. But you will begin to change your story every day, little by little by allowing goodness to grow in your life and not expecting the worst and setting yourself up for the worst to happen.
And it doesn’t mean that you won’t have setbacks or just plain bad days when you’re feeling down in the dumps. But just because you’re on a downswing doesn’t mean that you should let the crappy talk back in. Continue to catch yourself and don’t let yourself go around telling stories. Except for the good ones. Because you deserve to tell the very best stories about yourself.
Now what’s your story?