Over these past couple of days I’ve been reading “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert (which, by the way I originally thought might not be my kind of book, but in fact it’s amazing! Totally recommend it!)
In this book, one of the characters talks about how each city has a word that describes it and each person has a word that describes them and that they need to find the place whose word matches their own. I love this! The concept really resonated with me and prompted me to think about what my word is. (And I’ll let you in on a little secret…my word doesn’t match my city’s word!)
It doesn’t just have to be about where you live. It can be more of a mini mission statement. A word that sums up who you are and how you want to live your life and what you want to present to the world.
So I’m wondering…can you think of a word that describes you like a mini mission statement?
If you’re open to it, please share your word in the comments.